
Cover Story

The Russian Footprint in Television History
In 2013, the world TV community will celebrate 125 years since the birth of television’s founding father, Vladimir Zworykin. Zworykin’s greatest inventions came after he left Russia for the United States, but his education and experience in the remote transmission of images was acquired in Russia.

Keynote Address

A Digital Future
Viktor Pinchuk, Deputy CEO for Network Management, Operation, and Development at Russian Television and Radio Broadcasting Network FSUE (RTRN), gives an update on how the digitization of Russian television is going


The Dawn of the Ultra
What makes the new standard – Ultra HDTV – special and what holds it back


Mikhail Vorobyov, Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs at Er-Telecom Holding CJSC, shares his ideas on pay‑TV business models in Russia and RoW

Dmitry Safronov, B2B Director of WebTV OJSC (Zoomby.ru) talks about online content broadcast strategies

In First Person

Russian Beams to Africa
Dmitry Sevastiyanov, CEO of Gazprom Space Systems (GSS) explains how the company aims to boost its presence in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Africa by launching two new and improved Yamal satellites


Safety in Numbers
Why it makes sense for international and Russian TV channels to do business through distributors, and how they guard themselves from overdependence

A Movie Bonanza for Russian TV

Sergei Zonenlikht, Tricolor’s Director of In-house Channel Development, tells about the premium HD film package – SuperKinoHD – which the company is gearing up to launch

Industrial View

Second Screen First
Aleksander Serov, Technical Director of Digital Television OJSC, explained how a second screen (a portable Internet device) could aid broadcasters

Market at a Glance

The Russian Pay-TV Market